Whether I'm riding on a campus bus across campus, or sitting in a large lecture hall waiting for class to start, I like to aimlessly scroll through my Twitter feed to pass the time. I smile as I like an adorable video of an owl snuggling with a kitten, I laugh as I watch a practical joke go horribly wrong, and I always make sure to hit retweet when I see the Dawgs get a big win. For me personally, Twitter is a source of entertainment, but countless firms use social media to promote their products.
Social media has
significantly altered the way in which businesses and organizations stay connected with consumers. Dissatisfied customers can easily tag businesses in tweets expressing their concerns, and the companies' social media specialist will respond to these issues quickly and efficiently to attempt to solve the customers' problems.
I primarily use my Twitter for entertainment. Companies use social media to promote their business. One big corporation--disguised as one little red headed girl--was so creatively able to bridge this gap and catch
and keep my attention while aimlessly scrolling one day... and that company is Wendy's fast food chains.
Wendy's has been entertaining young social media users through the use of quick-witted digs at their competition and playful banter with users that tweet at them.
One user even asked Wendy's to roast them. Wendy's happily obliged.
It was this particular tweet that got my attention. I wanted to see what all of this madness was about. The more I read through Wendy's tweets, the more I wanted to be a part of the conversation. I ended up following the restaurant chain. I laughed at their memes, their gifs, their sense of humor. I wanted Wendy's to roast me. I mean, what an honor, right? That's when I realized the genius behind Wendy's social media presence. They're both entertaining and communicating with millennials who use social media as a platform for these two purposes. They're making themselves stand out compared to other fast food chains (I peeked at McDonald's twitter and it was a total snooze-fest in comparison) and easily recalled to younger consumers who want a midnight snack after a basketball game or a night of studying.
When given the choice between a McFlurry and a Frosty with a side of good humor, you can bet I'll be getting myself a Frosty.